Thursday 7 April 2016

In-Camera Edit

In-Camera Editing

In-camera editing is a video editing technique which occurs within a camera.Rather than waiting until post-production, you can edit and organise the shots inside the camera in order for the edit to develop quickly. This requires each scene of the film to be shot in order. The film would then be completed by the end of production.

  • Shots must be planned precisely in order for them to be shot in the right order.
  • No additional editing will be required later on.
  • In an in-camera edit, the last scene that is filmed will mean that the production is finished.
  • If footage has been recorded digitally, the film can be played straight from the camera.
It may seem like a quicker process shooting each scene in the correct sequence, however it can take just as much time planning and getting each scene entirely right and precise as it could be editing it all in post-production. 

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