Monday 11 April 2016

Manipulation of Diegetic Time and Space

Manipulation of Time and Space

This refers to a range of techniques used in filmmaking to change the measurements of space and time in ways that would not be possible in real life. This can be used to either show the audience a large amount of time being compressed into a short piece of footage, or where a situation is made out to be longer than it would be realistically. This technique is used to create suspense for the audience and to maintain their attention to what is happening.

This can be used through slow motion and repetition of the same shot but from a number of different angles, especially wide angles. This can make the event seem longer to the audience than it really is.

With this technique, time can be reduced and stretched and space can be compressed and expanded.

Cutting between two different locations can make them both appear connected, which can lengthen the event for the audience. 

Flash backs displaying prior events that had occurred in a character's memory can be useful when revealing aspects of plot.

Flash forwards into the future can also reveal the intentions/expectations of a character.


Diegetic: Sounds people within the story can hear
Non-Diegetic: Sounds people within the story cannot hear. e.g. narratives.

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